This is the LAST video in my Good to GREAT series. If you need a 'pep talk' to get you in the zone; then this is the best video for you to watch. Use these principles we've been talking about and start implement them! How bad do you want to succeed? Use this as a motivational tool to help you get there!
Now, what was going on in the 1936 Olympics? Hitler was at large and wanted to show the world his leadership. Germany hosted this year's Olympics and it was the first time the Olympics would be broadcasted LIVE to the entire world! Hitler wanted this to be a production to the world of how grand and massive Germany was. He had brand, new massive stadium built, hired a documentary staff to paint the 'Olympic picture' in a German dominance way and had the best money could buy in every manner you could possibly think of. Swastikas were hanging every which way with the Nazi troops on every corner of Berlin. This is what the USA was walking into.
Five years ago, I put myself into this "personal development coach arena". I took the leap from my job, making good money and decided to follow my passion and to really help people unleash their potential and understand the greatness that is in them; especially with athletes - really helping them understand how to control their mindset and how to bring their best self to their sport and if I look back throughout my whole life, you know, I've been obsessed with one question - that's HOW CAN I WIN? How can I raise my level performance? How can I raise the standard? What's the edge that I need to know in order to do what no one else is doing.